Saves you from the best nights out with your crew. Relieve your hangover symptoms with hydrating solutions.

  • Hydration fluid – body nourisher
  • Pain medication
  • AntiAcid medication
  • AntiNausea medication

Choose your Hangover Drip

25 Minute
Nutrient BOOST


Hydration fluids, with a choice of three medications, Zinc, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B12 and Glutathione



Hydration fluids, with a choice of three medications, Zinc, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B12 and Glutathione



Hydration fluids, with a choice of three medications, and Vitamin B complex



Hydration fluids, with a choice of one medication

NEW: Elevate Your Wellness
in Just 25 Minutes

Discover the transformative power of an IV Drips Nutrient BOOST – a breakthrough in nutrient infusion designed to enhance your vitality swiftly and effectively. No need to sacrifice time or efficiency—our in-home or in-office on demand service allows you to optimize your health habits while maintaining your daily routine. Embrace the ultimate blend of health and convenience!