Ketamine for Depression: What Can Sabotage Your Results
Ketamine is a safe anesthetic medication that has recently been discovered for its efficacy in treating mood disorders when administered through IV infusion. In fact, ketamine infusions can be a game-changing treatment option for mood disorders including depression, anxiety and PTSD. It can particularly beneficial for patients who have been treatment-resistant to other forms of depression therapy.
A remarkable number of patients respond to Ketamine infusions after the initial treatment dose. If you are among those who get relief from thus quick, safe and non-invasive IV therapy, you should know that there are two main things that can limit ketamine’s effectiveness. Alcohol and benzos (benzodiazepines) are highly discouraged for patients who want to maximize their ketamine infusion investment.
Alcohol and Benzos
It is unfortunately common for patients who are in chronic pain, depressed or anxious to turn to drinking alcohol or taking benzos to find temporarily relief. Alcohol and benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, Valium, etc) may temporarily numb your pain and mental torment, but they do not address the root cause of your symptoms. When combined with low-dose ketamine infusions, these substances can also mask or mute the benefits of your treatment!
While more research is still being conducted, we know that benzodiazepines and alcohol work through a common GABA receptor, and they have the ability to mute the positive effects of ketamine for mood disorders by blocking the release of nerve growth stimulators. The greater the consumption of alcohol and benzo, the more they seem to damper the effect of the low-dose ketamine treatments.
At IV Drips, we value the opportunity to give patients such a ground-breaking treatment for depression and chronic pain. However, we also realize the importance of helping our patients maximize the effectiveness and sustainability of their ketamine infusion treatments. In doing so, it is beneficial to work with your physician to reduce or eliminate the intake of benzos, especially around the time of your ketamine infusion visit. In general, it is wise to avoid or taper off of benzodiazepines and alcohol for about two weeks before a course of ketamine treatment. If you are unable or unwilling to do this, it doesn’t mean that ketamine won’t or can’t help, but it does pose a threat or limit to your success.
To learn more about ketamine infusion therapy at one of our reputable Brooklyn clinics, please call IV Drips today.
Posted on behalf of IVDrips